Prime Minister's Speech Greenwich, London 3rd February 2020
In case anyone was in any doubt of good old Boris Johnsons thinking prior to coronavirus hitting the UK. I suggest you take a look at the start of this speech made on the 3rd of February 2020.
“And when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational, to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage. Then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange” - Boris Johnson
Johnson then goes on to tell us, or those that are concerned about what sort of trade deal the UK might end up with the USA, that they should grow up.
Well, it turned out that he was the one who needed to grow up, particularly after his "I shook hands with everyone" speech at a briefing a month later to the day.
"I was at a hospital the other night, where I think there was a few coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody! you'll be pleased to know and I continue to shake hands" ~ Boris Johnson 3rd March 2020Inspirational and outstanding leadership in getting the message across....NOT. This isn't leadership this is pure childish incompetence.
Yet people still say he's doing a good job, it beggars belief and is the same blind faith exhibited by those followers of Trump. A world leader that lurches from one idiotic statement to another and then claims he's misquoted or his other favourite "its fake news".
Strange that the two leaders who were prepared to sacrifice unknown numbers of the population are now facing seeing the biggest death totals. The UK is not there yet, but slowly, day by day the UK is overtaking other countries in that area. Will we make number two? Highly probable in the next few days but certainly in the next few weeks.
But the sheer incompetence of both Johnson and Trump does not remain to be seen it's on plain view.
It's not like coronavirus stealthily crept up on us, we had the warnings, it was plain to see. There was no surprise, it was obvious what was coming to all those with a mediocre of common sense.
Unfortunately, common sense seems to be low in both Johnson and Trump and it nearly cost Johnson his life, if we can believe that part of the saga.
The UK is currently 3rd in the dubious rankings of coronavirus deaths. We should have been lower, we were warned, we knew it was coming. Only the governments slow reaction has put us in what will be 2nd place in the next few days.
The government also failed to plan correctly and put in place stocks of non-perishables, like masks and gowns after the pandemic exercise in 2016, Exercise Cygnus. The report has never been released, I wonder why?
Covid-19 strategies: Britain planned for herd immunity while Asia intended to contain virusWho got it right?
Britain had prepared for a herd immunity strategy to contain Covid-19, while other countries focused on enhanced testing capacity
Well it's plain to see from the numbers that certainly the UK and the USA didn't, especially with the advanced warning both countries had. Asian countries have got off lightly with regard to deaths so it was possible.
There is one caveat to this. Were the deaths enough to get near to herd immunity? Because for every death there are x number of people that have had it and had mild or no symptoms.
Have the deaths been enough to get near the 60-80% needed for herd immunity to work? As we have no reliable test, or any reliable evidence, as yet, that if you've had it you get immunity. That remains to be seen when the 2nd wave comes. The 2nd wave in the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed far more than the 1st wave.
So hold onto your hats, we could be in for a bumpy ride and with the likes of Johnson and Trump in charge what could possibly go wrong.....
UPDATE 06 May 2020
6 days after I posted this blog we surpassed Italy in deaths and the UK took on the sad crown of the country with the 2nd highest deaths in the world.