Tuesday 7 April 2020

COVID-19 ~ Sorry Boris Your Not Fooling Me

Let's say this before continuing. I don't wish Corronavirus on anyone and I wish Boris Johnson a speedy recovery, however.....

Just because you catch Coronavirus and end up in ICU doesn't wipe the slate clean.

Yes I hope Boris gets better. But let's not forget. Yes, he did clap for the NHS at 8pm, he was also there clapping and cheering when they voted down a pay rise for NHS workers who are drastically underpaid for the work they do.  Voting against the pay rise is one thing but cheering? That tells you a lot about the people that voted it down.

Supported the UK? well, that's a moot point. He's switched sides and done everything possible including Lying, (in fact, he's a pathological liar), misleading, insulting anything he could just to get into No10.  I call that self-serving not supporting the UK.

He voted against Mays deal and then claimed to negotiate a better deal which handed the EU what they wanted in the 1st place, a border down the Irish sea and then claimed he'd got a better deal and everyone thought he was a god. It's unbelievable, I mean It literally beggars belief.


He was possibly the most incompetent Foreign Secretary the UK has ever had and if he hadn't jumped would have probably been sacked. There's a UK citizen still in an Iran jail because of his stupid comments.

He was sacked twice before for lying, misleading information.

For years the Tories have been quietly privatising the NHS, you only have to talk to NHS workers to understand that. But now they claim they are champions of the NHS, because they know its a vote winner.

We have one of the lowest numbers of hospital beds in Europe, so we are already on the back foot in regards to Coronavirus. In the past 10 years, the Tories have reduced the number of hospital beds by over 12,000. 14,000 depending on which stats you use, I'll use the lower.

We also have one of the lowest levels of ventilators in Europe.  We are the 6th richest country in the world, we should not be one of the lowest!!!!

Look around you everything is falling apart, holes in the roads, etc etc the list is endless. 10 years of Tory austerity we've had so many cuts, clubs for kids axed so their all out on the streets now. Police numbers cut, Firefighters cut, nurses cut, social support cut, etc etc

And they are claiming to be heroes for just putting back what they cut in the 1st place. We are over 800 billion more in debt than in 2010 and the debt/fall out from the worldwide banking crash was levelling off at that point.  The Tories brought in austerity and lost our AAA rating. Which we still haven't got back and they were warned that would happen if they carried on on the path that they were going down.  800 billion more in debt, where did the money go?  No one seems to ask that.

I for one am not fooled, I'm not taken in by the charming Buffon pathological Liar, I'm not fooled by the we are champions of the NHS statements.

I'll say it again the Tories clapped and cheered when voting down a pay rise for NHS workers who are vastly underpaid for what they do and they have the audacity to try and win votes by applauding the NHS now.... when they are expecting them to die. Expecting them to put their lives on the line to save people, to save Mr Johnson. For the same pay......For the same pay!!

They say all politicians lie, well maybe they do, but they should not be allowed to and this current government takes it to a whole new level, we've never seen anything like it before and they are getting away with it.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
I will be clapping the NHS workers for putting their lives on the line to treat you and thousands of others, battling to stay alive.

Boris Johnson, I wish you no ill, I hope you recover and if you do you'll probably come out of this a national hero.

BUT YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ME!!   Not one little bit.

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