Thursday, 20 December 2018

Corbyn - Stupid Woman? Stupid People?

Absolutely disgraceful behavior and nothing more than filibustering. Should sack the lot of them. Politicians are there to do a rather important job... so do that job rather than points scoring, acting like a bunch of animals and displaying fake outrage over such trivia.
Amazing that there was no time to debate a motion of no confidence in a pm that's doing nothing more than running the clock down, but they were able to spend nearly 3 hours debating whether Corbyn maybe said something insulting or not.
Bearing in mind the amount or insults and allegations actually said by Tory PMs out loud, to Corbyn, which would possibly attract liable allegations if said outside parliament, this really shows the level of this utter shower of incompetents.
The reason for this and they damm well know it, they are doing everything to avoid having the vote on Mayhems deal, so they can drive the bus closer to the cliff edge, with Mayhem hanging out the window shouting "its my deal or no deal"
Having the vote would mean losing the support of the DUP, lose that and a vote of no confidence in the Tories would probably succeed.
But also having that vote would allow other options to be debated, including no deal. Which is what they should be doing.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

A better deal was never on the cards for leaving EU

Its very simple, right from the start we were never going to be able to negotiate a better deal for leaving the EU than staying in it. As has been said its like stopping your membership of the gym and still wanting to go in and use the weights.

The question no-one knows the answer too is, will we be better off, eventually, once we have left and arranged our own deals with others.  Your guess is as good as mine and lots of people have opinions on this. But they are just opinions.

Which begs the question, in this dark tunnel into which we ride, is the light at the end near or far away or is it another train coming the other way?

Monday, 17 December 2018

From: Richard Knocker (Ex-pilot in the Gulf)

Ok this one is great, I thought we were getting project hope from leavers but nope this is the best project fear I've yet seen and best of all its pretty much all bollox.

If good old Richard was a pilot in the gulf wars then it didn't help his powers of researching facts.

So here we go....Fake news coming up
From: Richard Knocker (Ex-pilot in the Gulf wars)

OK so we’ve had the worst-case scenario for leaving the EU given to us by numerous outlets ranging from the Bank of England to the spoiled prepubescent acting momentum supporter and everyone in-between.
So, I am now going to tell you the worst-case scenario of remaining in the EU based on actual known factors and figures, sourced from the public records of the UK Government, the EU Parliament, The Bank of England, the CBI, Migration watch, The Stock exchanges around the world, the IMF, and the UN.
So those of you who think that this little rant is a tin foil hat moment by myself think again and go and fully research and cross reference what I am about to tell you and remember this is worst-case scenario that could happen unless I clearly point out where it will happen by either a date or other factor.
1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.
2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or veto’s.
3: All member states must adopt the Euro by 2022 and any new member state must do so within 2 years of joining the EU as laid down in the Lisbon treaty.
4: The London stock exchange will move to Frankfurt in 2020 and be integrated into the EU stock exchange resulting in a loss of 200,000 plus jobs in the UK because of the relocation. This has already been pre-agreed and is only on a holding pattern due to the Brexit negotiations, which if Brexit does happen the move is fully cancelled but if not and the UK remains a member it’s full steam ahead for the move.
5: The EU Parliament and ECJ become supreme over all legislative bodies of the UK.
6: The UK will adopt 100% of whatever the EU Parliament and ECJ lays down without any means of abstention or veto, negating the need for the UK to have the Lords or even the Commons as we know it today.
7: The UK will NOT be able to make its own trade deals.
8: The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade tariffs.
9 The UK will NOT be able to set its own trade quotas.
10: The UK loses control of its fishing rights
11: The UK loses control of its oil and gas rights
12: The UK loses control of its borders and enters the Schengen region by 2022 as clearly laid down in the Lisbon treaty
13: The UK loses control of its planning legislation
14: The UK loses control of its armed forces including its nuclear deterrent
15: The UK loses full control of its taxation policy
16: The UK loses the ability to create its own laws and to implement them
17: The UK loses its standing in the Commonwealth
18: The UK loses control of any provinces or affiliated nations e.g.; Falklands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar ect
19: The UK loses control of its judicial system
20: The UK loses control of its international policy
21: The UK loses full control of its national policy
22: The UK loses its right to call itself a nation in its own right.
23: The UK loses control of its space exploration program
24: The UK loses control of its Aviation and Sea lane jurisdiction
25: The UK loses its rebate in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon treaty
26: The UK’s contribution to the EU is set to increase by an average of 1.2bn pa and by 2.3bn pa by 2020

1: The UK will become nothing more than a vassal protectorate state
2: With the continuation of freedom of movement, the population of the UK will continue to grow at a rate higher than pre-referendum level ranging between 400,000 to 675,000 per annum.
2.1; Which will result in not just wage suppression but even wage depression.
2.2; More than 500,000 new homes to be built annually (We are currently only managing 125,000)
2.3; House prices and rents will skyrocket annually by 23%
2.4; Class sizes in schools would have to increase by 50% if not even double
2.5; The NHS will become solely an emergency service of care provider as they would no longer be able to cope with the numbers of people needing care other than those of emergency.
2.6; GP’s will become triage centres
2.7; Public transport will become permit holders use only
2.8; Only those that did a serious crime namely murder will be given a custodial sentence
2.9; The Court system becomes fully overrun to the point extreme cases only being heard and the rest being given an automatic fine
2.10; Emergency services collapsing for not being able to cope with the scale of things
2.11; Social care becoming solely private social care for those who can afford it.
2.12; Homelessness to increase by over 28% annually
2.13; Unemployment to increase annually by 37%
2.14; The Benefit system to collapse fully to the point of the return of soup kitchens and even workhouse existence
2.15; Crime to increase by over 59% annually
2.16; Shanty towns to become the norm standard of housing
3: Because the UK would no longer be able to make its own trade deals, nor control its tariffs or quotas, Food prices would increase by over 25% and the cost of living would go up by over 39%
4: Because the UK would lose its oil and gas rights it would also lose the revenue from taxation on them, resulting in a loss of over 600 billion per year in taxation revenue
5: Because the UK will become a member state its percentage share of the vote on any new laws, regulations, treaties and everything else is at current member numbers 3.57% of the vote. That’s right folks the UK say in the EU if it was to remain a member is 3.57% total

Everything I have put thus far is just the very extreme tip of the iceberg that is ready to sink the UK if we remain a member of the EU.

Everything is verifiable by the sources I have already outlined above and is something the EU propaganda machine as well as our very own government are not telling you.

Remainers keep on bleating about that the people didn’t know all of the facts If that’s the case then why are they failing to tell the people the downside or remaining a member of the EU.


Richard Knocker

Let's just say for a start if any of the above were true then Mogg, Johnson, etc etc would be shouting it from the rooftops.

The UK has opted out of various bits of the Lisbon treaty including jurisdiction of the court of justice. 
See below
"In order to avoid submitting to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice and to enforcement actions by the Commission, the UK negotiated an opt-out which allows them the option of a block withdrawal from all third pillar measures they had previously chosen to participate in.
In October 2012 the UK government announced that it intended to exercise this opt-out and then selectively opt back into certain measures"

I'll cherry pick another.... "unemployment to increase annually by 37%" on that basis well over half the country would be unemployed in 8 years.....really?

There really is no attempt at reality in this at all.

I'll update a bit more later when on a pc if I can be bothered to give it time.

Tompride has already pulled this apart so ive stolen his graphics, sorry Tom credit given

Ok ill pick out another one The London stock exchange. The London stock exchange is a PLC its not controlled by the EU and could choose to go where it wants as could any company.

How about the Euro .... This is from the Lisbon treaty ...
The Union has exclusive competence to make directives and conclude international agreements when provided for in a Union legislative act as to …

  • monetary policy for the Member States whose currency is the euro
Lets restate that, to avoid confusion... the EU will have control of monetary policy for the member states who's currency is the Euro.  In case anyone is still not sure... our currency is the pound.

and here's the link to Richard Knocker the pilot who's name has been used.

The problem with people posting crap like this is it stifles debate in the real issues.


The truth is most wont bother.  Sad really.

I would say to leavers... if something is that bad you don't have to lie about it, lying about it makes people question your argument.


Thursday, 13 December 2018

Tory media Myths about Corbyn

OMG I’ve never seen so much rubbish written trying to demean someone you say has no chance of being elected. OK Lets break it down shall we … to the facts 

1.     Corbyn is unelectable ~ if he is then what are you worried about? The press will leave him alone, Cameron won’t bother telling any more lies about him, because there’s no point he’s not a threat. Good so that’s that one done.  More here:

2.     Corbyn talked to the IRA ~ He did, it’s no secret it was all out in the open, not hidden. Whereas Thatcher was talking to them long before, behind closed doors, whilst claiming “We don’t talk to terrorists”.  More here:

3.     Corbyn has never condemned the IRA bombings ~ He did, he’s always been against violence and war and he’s always claimed and been proven correct so far. That the only way to resolve things is to get people talking. He said this about IRA bombings “I condemn all bombing, it is not a good idea, and it is terrible what happened.”

4.     Corbyn said Bin Ladins death was a tragedy ~ NO HE DIDN’T what he actually said was ‘There was no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him, to put him on trial, to go through that process. ‘This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy. The World Trade Centre was a tragedy, the attack on Afghanistan was a tragedy, the war in Iraq was a tragedy. Tens of thousands of people have died. Torture has come back on to the world stage, been canonised virtually into law by Guantanamo and Bagram.’ ‘Can’t we learn some lessons over this?’  more here

5.     Corbyn didn’t bow enough ~ This one was so ridiculous that I almost didn’t cover it. Suffice it to say that whilst the other BOWING politicians were all gorging themselves at a banquet. Corbyn stayed outside and applauded the veterans, he then went onto the rememberance service in his own constituency. I expect the others were still eating pudding when he got there.

6.     Corbyn was a supporter of Tony Benn ~ Er …. Yes he was and your point is?

7.     Corbyn poses a national security threat ~ Cameron has left the UK without a carrier force for over a decade or will have by 2020 and the F35 wont be ready by 2020 (That’s the aircraft that goes on the carriers) and Corbyn is a security threat. You really couldn’t make it up.

8.     Corbyn hasn’t got a credible economics policy ~ Hes got one that’s backed by pretty much every major economist around. The Tories have a better one? …. Which is why they have increased the national debt by nearly 70% since taking over and Lost the country its triple AAA rating. Hmmmm.

I think Id better stop.

The Brexit - Choices in a nutshell, while Mayhem begs round the EU

The only thing Mayhem is going to get begging round Europe is possibly some reassurances and clarifications. That is not going to cut it in Parliament, the deal will not get through.

So we have some options and these options are based on the fact that we did have a democratic vote (don't necessarily agree with how that was run but that's another argument) and there was a small majority to leave, so respecting that decision......

  1. Stop Brexit and stay in the EU, political suicide for any party, without a public vote
  2. Extend article 51 time limit. With nothing else on offer pretty much a waste of time.
  3. Take it back for a 2nd Referendum. Possible support growing for this due to impasse in Parliament. But where are we if the vote is the same? Right back in same position.
  4. Take everything off the table and request to move forward on trade talks with no prerequisites, this is what should happen and what should have happened from the start. No deal with anything unless everything is in the deal. The problem with this is there is no time left now.
  5. Crash out with No Deal. The less palatable option and everyone is running scared of it. Brexiteers say everything will be OK, Remainers say the world will come to an end. Who is right. Well no one knows as its never been done before.

The only thing I can say is you don't negotiate like this, but it is was it is and we move on from here and not from 2 years ago. I used to work in Project Management and its remarkable how solutions will be found when peoples backs are to the wall. 

Using that principle if we are to move forward with Brexit we have to take everything off the table and prepare for crashing out without a deal. We cant solve the Irish border problem. Nor will we put up a border, so let the EU solve that issue of how they check goods going into the EU ie across the Irish border.

If we think that a hard crash out Brexit is really going to be catastrophic for the country and if  Parliament stays at impasse, then we have to take it back to the country and let them decide.

Two choices in a nutshell
  1. Crash out with No Deal
  2. Take the Vote back to the people but the vote choices should be
    1. Crash out no deal
    2. Stay in EU
    3. Go forward with Mayhems deal


Wednesday, 12 December 2018

How has the pound performed since the brexit vote

The pound was deemed to be overvalued prior to the Brexit vote and after a clifftop drop, right after the vote you couldn't say its been majorly bad in any way.

LINKS FT: The UK economy since the Brexit vote — in 6 charts BBC: Pound falls further after Brexit vote delayed

Mayhem vote of no confidence

So doomed if they do doomed if they don't.

Basically if they vote Mayhem back in tonight they are supporting her deal. Maybe I'm missing something but the deal appears to be not really a deal but a progression point. Agree that, says the EU and we can move onto trade negotiations....Hmmm.

In my opinion nothing should have been negotiated or given away it should all be negotiated together. Why have we agreed to pay 40 billion odd before getting to the trade agreement table. Yes we may have commitments but NO everything should be on the table until the final agreement. The EU have played a blinder on this one.

This deal is not a deal its a part way point that its taken two years to get to. The trade deals are the hard part, how many years will that take?

So what are the options

  1. Vote Mayhem back in which is basically accepting her deal. But that deal will be voted down by the house and risks Labour putting forward a no confidence vote.
  2. Put someone else in, the only option here would appear to be crash out with no deal or at least threaten it.
  3. Extending the date? but for what nothing is going to change.
  4. Take it back for a peoples vote as the politicians are at impasse. 

Who knows what will happen but i think Mayhem will survive this vote and like a drunk bouncing from wall to wall the Tories will carry on in disarray. To where or what noone knows at present.

UPDATED 12/12/18 23:55
  • Theresa May remains Tory leader after surviving confidence vote
  • The PM won 200 votes, but 117 MPs voted against her
  • The result was greeted by cheers and applause from Tory MPs
  • The BBC's Laura Kuenssberg says the margin of victory is a "real blow" to the PM's authority
  • The result means the PM is immune from another leadership challenge for a year
  • Before the vote MPs say Mrs May told them she won't fight the next election