Thursday 13 December 2018

Tory media Myths about Corbyn

OMG I’ve never seen so much rubbish written trying to demean someone you say has no chance of being elected. OK Lets break it down shall we … to the facts 

1.     Corbyn is unelectable ~ if he is then what are you worried about? The press will leave him alone, Cameron won’t bother telling any more lies about him, because there’s no point he’s not a threat. Good so that’s that one done.  More here:

2.     Corbyn talked to the IRA ~ He did, it’s no secret it was all out in the open, not hidden. Whereas Thatcher was talking to them long before, behind closed doors, whilst claiming “We don’t talk to terrorists”.  More here:

3.     Corbyn has never condemned the IRA bombings ~ He did, he’s always been against violence and war and he’s always claimed and been proven correct so far. That the only way to resolve things is to get people talking. He said this about IRA bombings “I condemn all bombing, it is not a good idea, and it is terrible what happened.”

4.     Corbyn said Bin Ladins death was a tragedy ~ NO HE DIDN’T what he actually said was ‘There was no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him, to put him on trial, to go through that process. ‘This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy. The World Trade Centre was a tragedy, the attack on Afghanistan was a tragedy, the war in Iraq was a tragedy. Tens of thousands of people have died. Torture has come back on to the world stage, been canonised virtually into law by Guantanamo and Bagram.’ ‘Can’t we learn some lessons over this?’  more here

5.     Corbyn didn’t bow enough ~ This one was so ridiculous that I almost didn’t cover it. Suffice it to say that whilst the other BOWING politicians were all gorging themselves at a banquet. Corbyn stayed outside and applauded the veterans, he then went onto the rememberance service in his own constituency. I expect the others were still eating pudding when he got there.

6.     Corbyn was a supporter of Tony Benn ~ Er …. Yes he was and your point is?

7.     Corbyn poses a national security threat ~ Cameron has left the UK without a carrier force for over a decade or will have by 2020 and the F35 wont be ready by 2020 (That’s the aircraft that goes on the carriers) and Corbyn is a security threat. You really couldn’t make it up.

8.     Corbyn hasn’t got a credible economics policy ~ Hes got one that’s backed by pretty much every major economist around. The Tories have a better one? …. Which is why they have increased the national debt by nearly 70% since taking over and Lost the country its triple AAA rating. Hmmmm.

I think Id better stop.

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