Monday, 16 December 2019

50,000 more nurses? 31,000 is the answer.

50,000 more nurses?

How many of those will actually be new?   31,000 is the answer.       #nomoremisinformation

This is a fairly simple one and i'm not even going to get into whether they can achieve 31,000 more nurses, fund it, train them etc although I did see something on a nurses site which said they wouldn't be full nurses as they take 3 years to train, but another time for that.

So this is just about maths and misinformation of which this election and indeed the referendum saw levels of lying, fake news, misinformation, vilification on a scale never seen before and its a scary direction we are heading in. Democracy is voting on facts not misinformation, Dictators use lies, and misinformation.

Anyway I give you two Tories and a BloJo (Not a bad name for a group that :-))

The maths are simple stop trying to spin it and say it as it is, in the end Boris had to but bloody hell did it take some time.

If you have 2 cows and the Tories give you 3 more, do you have 5 more cows or 3 more cows?

If you have 2 apples  and the Tories give you 3 more, do you have 3 more apples or 5 more?

If you have 2 pound coins in your pocket and the Tories give you 3 more, do you have 3 more pound coins or 5 more?

No more needs to be said really.


We will leave the EU in six weeks - YUP ITS A LIE

So Boris and his team of Tories claim we will leave the EU in six weeks at the end of January.

BloJo has repeated this several times, others have repeated it on Radio and Mark Francois, deputy chairman of the European Research Group, has stated....
Looking to the future, he added: “Once we leave the European Union on January 31, we withdraw from its institutions.
“We are no longer part of the customs union, we are no longer part of the single market.
“We withdraw our MEPs from the European Parliament (sorry Nigel!) because quite rightly we no longer have rights to have seats.
Lets just look at that.


The facts are, once BloJo has got his/Mayhems changed deal through parliament we then enter into a transition stage at the end of January. This is not leaving the EU.... to spell it out

  • We will still be part of the customs union.
  • Still be part of the single market.
  • We will still be abiding by EU rules and regulation.
  • We will still be paying into the EU budget.
  • And we will still be paying into EU projects agreed during this transition period until they are completed.
Until the end of December 2020

That's just the simple version.......

I hope that clears things up for a few people .....and a few politicians including BloJo who either hasnt got a clue or is just carrying on with the pathological lying. The worrying thing being it seems to be spreading, other Tories are catching pathological lying and I never thought it was a transmittable disease.  

The transition - a period of time during which all of the current rules stay the same allowing the UK and the EU to negotiate their future relationship - is due to last until the end of December 2020.
The UK will need to abide by EU rules and pay into the EU budget, but will lose membership of its institutions.
The transition can be extended, but only for a period of one or two years.
Both the UK and EU must agree to any extension.

At the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, the UK is set to exit the EU’s customs union and single market and enter newly negotiated arrangements. 

The Withdrawal Agreement ensures a smooth winding-down of current EU-UK arrangements during a transition period that lasts until 31 December 2020. The EU will treat the UK as if it were a Member State during the transition. 
The transition period can be extended once by a newly established EU-UK Joint Committee, as long as it decides to do so before 1 July 2020. 
During the transition, all EU legislation, rules and court decisions will continue to apply to and in the UK as if it were a Member State. 
This means the UK will continue to participate in the EU Customs Union and the Single Market (with all four freedoms) and all Union policies. 
Any changes to EU legislation or rules will automatically apply to the UK. 
The Withdrawal Agreement protects the rights of over three million EU citizens in the UK, and over one million UK nationals in EU countries, meaning they can continue to live, work or study as they currently do. 
It also outlines a financial settlement, ensuring the UK honours all financial obligations undertaken while it was a Member State. 
The amount will be determined by an agreed methodology that honours all joint commitments from the EU budget (2014-2020), including outstanding commitments at the end of 2020. 
That means all EU projects and programmes funded from the current EU budget and involving UK partners will continue to be financed until they’re completed.

Brexit: What is in Boris Johnson's new deal with the EU?
Brexit: What happens now?
What is the Withdrawal Agreement Bill?
EU looks at extending Brexit transition period beyond 2020
Brexit countdown! Tory Mark Francois sets out exit timetable ‘DEFINITELY going to happen’
Brexit and Ireland

Monday, 2 December 2019

All this achieved by just 4 million muslims out of the 66 million population

Muslims in the UK: the viral poster, factchecked

From 2017 and still doing the rounds mate Sid the Sun reader came up with this one. You have to laugh.

Personally I think all religion should be banned however that's not going to happen and whilst I think its a load of old eyewash (as my Dad used to say) it does bring comfort to a lot of people. However it brings a lot of discomfort to a lot of other people.

I've always thought you have the right to believe in whatever you want as long as it doesn't adversely  affect others, so if your not adversely affecting others crack on.

Apart from the meme above I saw another comment which someone stated as if it was undisputed fact "If muslims pray in their own house they are exempt from council tax" again this is a load of old eyewash.

Anyway back to the meme which surprise, surprise is largely incorrect. No pint me reinvesting the wheel when Fullfact have already done the leg work so Ive posted their summaries below see their full article for the detail.

Muslim Mayors
Claim: The mayors of London, Birmingham, Leeds, Blackburn, Sheffield, Oxford, Luton, Oldham, and Rochdale are Muslim.
Conclusion: All of these places have had a Muslim mayor in the past, they do not all currently have a Muslim mayor.
Claim: There are over 3,000 mosques in the UK.
Conclusion: This figure is probably too high. Although there is no definitive source, the true figure is likely to be between 1,000 and 2,000.
Sharia councils
Claim: There are over 130 Sharia Courts and 50 Sharia councils in the UK.
Conclusion: There is no difference between a Sharia council and a Sharia court, and no definitive figures for how many there are. Around 30 major Sharia councils have been identified, rising to “85 at least” when smaller councils and online forums are included. They aren’t formal courts of law and cannot overrule national law.
No-go areas
Claim: There are Muslims-only “no-go areas” in the UK.
Conclusion: There is no formal definition of a no-go area. The Metropolitan Police and the Foreign Office say there are no areas where the law can't be enforced in the UK. The police service inspector has commented there are "communities from other cultures who would prefer to police themselves" which the police are never called to, though he doesn't specify whether these are Muslim.
Claim: 78% of Muslim women don't work and are on free benefits/housing.
Conclusion: Roughly right for work, but we're not aware of any figures on benefits and housing by religion. 16% of Muslim women are unemployed, while a further 58% are ‘economically inactive’, using 2015 figures. At the same time, about 5% of women in the UK were unemployed and 42% economically inactive. 
Claim: 63% of Muslim men don't work and are on free benefits/housing.
Conclusion: Incorrect. 11% of Muslim men are unemployed, while a further 24% are ‘economically inactive’, using 2015 figures. At the same time, about 6% of men in the UK were unemployed and 31% economically inactive. We're not aware of any figures for benefits and housing by religion.
Benefits and housing
Claim: 6-8 children “planning to go on free benefits/housing”.
Conclusion: In England and Wales, the average Muslim household with children has 2.3 children, compared to 1.8 for households overall. We're not aware of any figures for benefits and housing by religion.
Halal meat in schools
Claim: All UK schools are only serving Halal meat.
Conclusion: Incorrect. Schools can choose whether or not to serve Halal-only meat. Many don’t.
Claim: There are 4 million Muslims in the UK.
Conclusion: Incorrect. The Muslim population is estimated to be 3.1 million in 2015, out of around 65 million.

For further details on each item please see the fullfact article link below it was Published: 31st Jul 2017