Sunday 26 May 2019

Should Labour champion remain now?

The Tories will now vote in a PM that will take the UK out of the EU regardless of economic cost.

Labours bet route now is to become the serious opposition, all parties combined that have a remain stance got more votes than the Brexit party.

Seems there is a genuine remain force out there and Labour would be advised to harness it.  There is nothing to loose. If the Tories take us out without a deal and its negative for the country then that's a bonus for Labour.

If Labour go the remain route then they would pick up a lot of votes from the Lib Dems and Greens.

The vote to leave was so slim its obvious or should be now that both sides cannot be kept happy, Labour now has to accept that and become champions of the remain side yes they will loose the vote of the brexiteers. but hey ho you cant please all of the people all of the time and its obvious from the EU vote that a lot of votes are going to remain parties.

The Tories will be tarred by the brush of the past couple of years regardless what happens now.

We shall see what pans out.

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