Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Has Trump increased Jobs

Lots of claims from Trump himself and various memes circulating the Internet about employment and as its one of his biggest claims I thought Id check it out.

Trump was inaugurated on December 19, 2016  so hes been in office for 1 year, 7 months and 5 days.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009

While addressing the General Assembly on Sept. 19, 2017 Trump claimed the following.

"Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before."

Lets just have a look at the jobs claim because I maintain that noone can influence jobs that much in such a big country in just 19 months.

The statement itself if a bit confusing because if you have low unemployment it stands to reason you have more people working.  But anyway, here are the official figures......

So its easy to see from the above official charts that both parts of the statement are not true.

Trump claim: "Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years" - NOT TRUE

Trump claim: "we have more people working in the United States today than ever before." - NOT TRUE

Its as simple as that.

FACT CHECK: President Trump's Record On Jobs And Stocks
Trump Created More Jobs Than Previously Reported. So Did Obama
How strong has job growth been on Donald Trump's watch?

Monday, 23 July 2018

Scammer or not a Scammer on Feabie

The question arose is it illegal to get money out of people on a Site called Feabie or any other site, using a fake profile.  One would think that the answer was obvious but maybe not. Feabie is a weird site anyway but wont go into that ....

Ive done a lot of thinking and a lot of searching. The answer has to be.... whilst creating a fake profile is not illegal, it does break the rules of the site and getting money out of someone whilst perporting to be someone else could lead to being prosecuted for fraud.  Its as simple as that.

Lets look at a point by point summary and all four in this context are illegal.
  • Is money laundering illegal ~ YES
  • Is scamming people illegal ~ YES
  • Is catfishing illegal ~ NO ~ Currently not illegal in the UK but.... If a victim hands over money, the "catfish" could be prosecuted for fraud; so in this case its illegal.
  • Is creating a fake profile on Feabie illegal ~ Not illegal but it is against the rules of the site and if used for getting money out of victims then could be prosecuted for fraud. So again as being used for monetary gain its illegal.

So anyone setting up a fake profile on Feabie with fake picture with the aim of getting money out of others would be....
  • Breaking the rules of the Feabie site
  • Scamming ~ illegal
  • Fraudulent ~ illegal
  • Deceitful
  • Immoral
  • Dishonest
  • Unscrupulous
  • Devious
So i guess it comes down to wether you are a selfish, take what you can get, dont care about others type of person if you do this.  There are plenty of takers around, people that sit on the dole and take handouts that we the taxpayer pays for. Many have good reason many dont and are just that scamming the system. Personally I would question the morality of anyone involved in a scam such as this.

Rules from Feabie
Fake photos: Members are not allowed to post photos of other people (or illustrations drawn by other people) as if they were their own. Full stop.

False identity: This should be obvious, but members are not allowed to assume fake identities, including posting intentionally misleading profile information, engaging in catfishing activities, or misrepresenting their gender identity in order to get additional network features.

Catfishing ~ The practise is deceitful, but it is not illegal – despite victims complaining of mental harm.
Catfishing ~ may not be a criminal act, but it depends on whether the catfish had any intention to cause a (monetary) gain or loss. - If they did, then it is likely that the criminal law could intervene.
If there is any financial gain or loss incurred as a consequence of the false account or profile, an offence may also be committed under the Fraud Act 2006: under section 8 possession or making or supplying 'articles' for use in frauds includes any program or data held in electronic form. For further guidance prosecutors should refer to the legal guidance on the Fraud Act 2006, in particular that relating to ss6-8 of the Act.
“Catfish” Scams ~ A “catfish” is someone who creates a fake social media account in order to pursue an online romance. Sometimes, catfish convince their victims to send money or gifts, or to pay for their travel or other expenses.
What is Confidence fraud ~ These are frauds where the perpetrator wins the confidence of the victim and obtains money or other property by deception. These include advance fee frauds, so called ‘419 scams’, foreign lottery scams and bogus charity scams. In short, they usually include any kind of fraud where someone is conned out of money or other assets. A common factor in many of these frauds is the targeting of vulnerable victims. Also, they will often be multiple frauds, i.e. many victims are deceived in the same way.
These offences are usually charged under the Fraud Act (section 1), where the maximum sentence permitted by law is 10 years imprisonment. For allegations of false accounting under the Theft Act 1968, 7 years is the maximum.


Monday, 16 July 2018

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit.

So whats this about then?

The President of the USA doesn't trust his own intelligence services. So what are we supposed to do with that information, why should we trust them if he doesnt?  But hang on maybe we should look outside the box.  Doesn't Trump have interests in Russia?  lets have a look.

So according to Wikipedia (probably not the most accurate place to get info but...)
Donald Trump has pursued business deals in Russia since 1987, and has sometimes traveled there to explore potential business opportunities. In 1996, Trump trademark applications were submitted for potential Russian real estate development deals. Trump's partners and children have repeatedly visited Moscow, connecting with developers and government officials to explore joint venture opportunities. Trump was never able to successfully conclude any real estate deals in Russia. However, individual Russians have invested heavily in Trump properties, and following Trump's bankruptcies in the 1990's he borrowed money from Russian sources. In 2008 his son Donald Trump Jr. said that Russia was an important source of money for the Trump businesses.
By the way isn't it interesting how certain people try to claim that Corbyn is a commie (they probably need to check the difference between Socialist and communist) and those same people think Trump is the next best thing to sliced bread but Trump is the one cuddling up to the dreaded Russians. But i digress.

Actually this Wikipedia information gets more interesting and the trouble is... it all kinda fits or am I creating a jigsaw to fit my puzzle?  Look at this little snippet.
In 1987, Trump visited Russia to investigate developing a hotel, invited by Ambassador Yuri Dubinin whom he had met in New York the year before.[3] British journalist Luke Harding alleged in 2017 that this trip likely began a long-term cultivation operation typical of the KGB's Political Intelligence Department, under written directives initiated by First Chief Directorate head Vladimir Kryuchkov, to recruit politically ambitious Westerners susceptible to flattery, egotism and greed.[3]
So "susceptible to flattery, egotism and greed" I think even the most ardent Trump supporter would have problems trying to disagree that Trump likes flattery, has an ego and greed well are rich people greedy? open for debate I guess.  Or is it? these start up CEO's made their staff millionaires are they greedy in comparison? Makes you think.
Still, Trump’s business ties to Russia are striking nonetheless. Even without access to his tax returns or venturing into conjecture about hidden business interests, it’s clear that Trump has an affinity for doing deals with Russians. Furthermore, it’s clear that his affinity for doing business with them is intertwined with how he perceives them politically; as Franklin Foer points out in Slate, Trump’s public affection for Vladimir Putin corresponds with his dependence on Russian investors.
It’s difficult to say if his praise was intended to make it easier for him to gain access to the Russian market, or if it simply arose out a sincere appreciation for Russia’s authoritarian political culture as he began to understand it more — or some combination of the two. But in either case it’s clear that Trump’s attempts at making deals in Russia have gone beyond business.
Donald Trump is like the Kremlin’s favored candidates, only more so. He celebrated the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU. He denounces NATO with feeling. He is also a great admirer of Vladimir Putin. Trump’s devotion to the Russian president has been portrayed as buffoonish enthusiasm for a fellow macho strongman. But Trump’s statements of praise amount to something closer to slavish devotion. In 2007, he praised Putin for “rebuilding Russia.” A year later he added, “He does his work well. Much better than our Bush.” When Putin ripped American exceptionalism in a New York Times op-ed in 2013, Trump called it “a masterpiece.” Despite ample evidence, Trump denies that Putin has assassinated his opponents, “In all fairness to Putin, you’re saying he killed people. I haven’t seen that.” In the event that such killings have transpired, they can be forgiven: “At least he’s a leader.” And not just any old head of state: “I will tell you that, in terms of leadership, he’s getting an A.”
Protesteth too much?

Hmmmm well someone is wrong...
'Nobody's been stronger on Putin than Trump'

Former secret service agent Dan Bongino has said on Fox News that "nobody's been stronger on Putin than Trump".
Mr Bongino was talking with reference to the death of Russian mercenaries in Syria, saying the American military "had the Russians scrambling".
"I don't think Putin expected Trump to respond that way," he said.
"That was not an insignificant incident over there."
He also said Mr Trump's comments about Russian gas pipelines was another example of the US president confronting the Russians.
Wouldn't be the 1st time a few expendable assets were sacrificed to protect a bigger asset.....oops did I say that out loud.

Before leaving the last word to Jonathan Marcus, BBC diplomatic correspondent ill say one thing... Corbyn suffered 2 years of media assassination which continues and a similar weight is thrown against Trump. The trouble is when you checked Corbyn you found that it was indeed that misinformation and lies. With Trump most claims lead to evidence and Trump doesn't help himself by spreading misinformation almost every time he talks, which is so easy to check.
Trump targets opponents back home Analysis by Jonathan Marcus, BBC diplomatic correspondent 
Before their encounter started Mr Putin was already winning on points, by the mere fact that President Trump was meeting him in the first place.
But while Mr Putin came over as the seasoned professional, eager to present his country as an equivalent to the US in terms of being a nuclear superpower; an energy provider; and a key actor in the Middle East, Mr Trump seemed more intent on castigating his opponents back home.
A lot of the questions focused on Russia's intrusion into the US election campaign (the considered position of the key US intelligence agencies) and specifically the indictment by the Mueller probe of 12 Russian intelligence agents.
Mr Trump would have none of it. He visibly seemed happier with Mr Putin's assurances than he did with the evidence of his own intelligence agencies. And he even welcomed Mr Putin's suggestion that Russia could join the investigation and interview the alleged perpetrators itself! Washington's Nato allies and many seasoned observers on Capitol Hill must have been watching in horror.

As always I'm always willing to be proved wrong.  Post away.

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit
How 3 Startup CEOs Gave Up Fortunes To Turn Half Their Employees Into Millionaires
Why the Rich Are Less Ethical: They See Greed as Good
Finally, A Billionaire Defends The Billions That She Earned
Fact-checking Trump's claim that he has no business ties to Russia
Vladimir Putin has a plan for destroying the West—and that plan looks a lot like Donald Trump.
As it happened - Trump and Putin's landmark meeting

Friday, 13 July 2018

Its an insult to put Trump in the same sentence

Personally I think its an insult to those that died to put Trump in the same sentence.

You earn respect it doesn't get handed to you by position or the amount of money you have.

All those troops that died earned our eternal respect.

As yet Trump has not.

USA military deaths WWI = 116,108
UK   military deaths WWI = 800,000

USA military deaths WWII = 407,300
UK   military deaths WWII = 383,700

Total USA military deaths WWI & WWII = 523,408
Total UK military deaths WWI & WWII = 1,183700


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Epilepsy in dogs

Our dog has started having fits which are focal seizures at present lasting no more than 30-40 seconds.

At present hes only had 2 that we know of and there are a myriad of possible causes including head trauma, liver and/ or kidney disease. So hes booked in for blood test of Friday.

Its worth noting that 2 drugs our dog is taking for pain relief are on a suspect list of drugs causing seizures tramadol and gabapentin, according to one website. Conversly gabapentin is used to treat seizures, Hmmm. Tramadol is listed as having seizures as possible side effect

Focal seizures

These only occur in one half of the brain and within a particular region. How these types of seizures present themselves depends upon where in the brain the abnormal electrical activity started, and the function of that part of the brain. Focal epileptic seizures can present as:
  • Episodic movements ("Motor" signs) e.g. facial twitches, rhythmic blinking, head shaking or repeated muscle contractions of one extremity
  • Autonomic signs (arising from the autonomic nervous system) e.g. excessive salivation, vomiting, dilated pupils
  • Behavioural signs (episodic changes in the dogs behaviour) e.g. restlessness, anxiety, attention seeking, unexplainable fear behaviour

What can trigger my dog's epilepsy?

Some dogs may appear to have 'triggers' that lead to a seizure, while others do not. Identifiable triggers may differ from dog to dog. In people with epilepsy, common triggers include tiredness and lack of sleep, stress, and not taking medication. Stress is a trigger commonly reported by owners, and may be caused by a variety of situations including changes in the environment, changes in routine, car rides, thunderstorms, and visits to the vets to name a few. Other owners report certain foods or medications seem to trigger seizures in their dog. Keeping a seizure diary may help identify triggers in your dog.

Is a seizure painful or dangerous to the dog?

"Dog may feel confusion and perhaps panic."
Despite the dramatic and violent appearance of a seizure, seizures are not painful, although the dog may feel confusion and perhaps panic. Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not swallow their tongues during a seizure. If you put your fingers or an object into its mouth, you will not help your pet and you run a high risk of being bitten very badly or of injuring your dog. The important thing is to keep the dog from falling or hurting itself by knocking objects onto itself. As long as it is on the floor or ground, there is little chance of harm occurring.
A single seizure is rarely dangerous to the dog. However, if the dog has multiple seizures within a short period of time (cluster seizures), or if a seizure continues for longer than a few minutes, the body temperature begins to rise. If hypothermia or an elevated body temperature develops secondary to a seizure, another set of problems may have to be addressed.

Possible Triggers (to qualify as a trigger, it has to have happened within 30 hours of your dog’s seizure, except after vaccination)
  1. Lawn treatments and fertilisers
  2. Herbicides and insecticides
  3. Cedar shavings
  4. Many flowers and plants are poisonous to dogs, which can also cause a seizure. The ASPCA has provided a list of plants that are toxic to dogs.
  5. Barometric pressure changes and extreme heat or cold are thought to be potential triggers.
  6. Bee and wasp venom and toad poisoning
  7. Photo sensitivity, Photo sensitivity refers to flashing or bright lights.
  8. Scented candles
  9. Perfume
  10. Loud music
  11. Cigarette smoke
  12. Pine Sol or any other cleaners with pine oil, 
  13. Kerosene
  14. Camphor
  15. Eucalyptus
  16. Borax or boric acid
  17. Deck and wall stains, 
  18. Polyurethane fumes, 
  19. Paint fumes and Swiffer chemicals.
  20. A diet too high in sodium
  21. Processed, low grade dog foods.
  22. Fruits, including tomatoes and carrots, can actually trigger a seizure in some dogs
  23. Certain dairy products, like cheese (particularly if it is mouldy), cottage cheese and milk are also danger foods.
  24.  Unclean or uncooked pork products can be problematic as well as turkey
  25.  Rosemary, sage, fennel and saffron
  26.  Walnuts are generally thought of as harmful to dogs, and caffeine can also be a trigger
  27.  Foods or treats with ethoxyquin, BHA or BHT of foods with MSG can also be potential triggers. MSG is often referred to in food products as “natural flavoring” or “smoke flavouring,” etc.
  28. Uncleansed rawhide treats and pig’s ear or feet, Several commercially produced dog chews are bleached. Flavoured chews will often have some chemical additives listed above.
  29. A dog’s medications can sometimes trigger seizures as well. These include vaccinations, heartworm medications, flea and tick preventative medications and some other prescription medications.
  30. The lights of a television, Christmas lights, or even lightning can trigger a seizure.
  31. Changes in barometric pressure and extreme hot or cold weather 
  32. Thunderstorms also can spook a dog enough to be a trigger.
  33. Sudden changes to your dog’s diet or routine can also cause stress that may trigger a seizure. Dogs run on a very strict internal clock, and know when it is time to eat or go outside or when you get home from work.  Changes in their routine can be caused by visiting friends or family members, a new baby joining the family, construction around the home and more.
  34. Missing, skipping, or going too long in between meals can also cause low blood sugar, which can be a trigger of seizures as well.
  35. Being left alone for too long can cause a dog a great deal of stress and can trigger a seizure.
  36. On the flip side, a prolonged period of activity and excitement can also trigger a seizure.
  37. Another stress trigger to avoid is loud arguments or angry voices. When people fight around a dog, the dog will often think that the people are angry at them. This is actually the worst kind of stress for a dog. Other causes of emotional stress to dogs include long car rides, visits to your vet, general nervousness, and anxiety.



Monday, 9 July 2018

Boris Johnson's resignation letter and Mays reply

Boris Johnson's resignation letter

Dear Theresa

It is more than two years since the British people voted to leave the European Union on an unambiguous and categorical promise that if they did so they would be taking back control of their democracy.

They were told that they would be able to manage their own immigration policy, repatriate the sums of UK cash currently spent by the EU, and, above all, that they would be able to pass laws independently and in the interests of the people of this country.

Brexit should be about opportunity and hope. It should be a chance to do things differently, to be more nimble and dynamic, and to maximise the particular advantages of the UK as an open, outward-looking global economy.

That dream is dying, suffocated by needless self-doubt.

We have postponed crucial decisions – including the preparations for no deal, as I argued in my letter to you of last November – with the result that we appear to be heading for a semi-Brexit, with large parts of the economy still locked in the EU system, but with no UK control over that system.

It now seems that the opening bid of our negotiations involves accepting that we are not actually going to be able to make our own laws. Indeed we seem to have gone backwards since the last Chequers meeting in February, when I described my frustrations, as Mayor of London, in trying to protect cyclists from juggernauts. We had wanted to lower the cabin windows to improve visibility; and even though such designs were already on the market, and even though there had been a horrific spate of deaths, mainly of female cyclists, we were told that we had to wait for the EU to legislate on the matter.

So at the previous Chequers session, we thrashed out an elaborate procedure for divergence from EU rules. But even that seems to have been taken of the table and there is in fact no easy UK right of initiative. Yet if Brexit is to mean anything, it must surely give ministers and Parliament the chance to do things differently to protect the public. If a country cannot pass a law to save the lives of female cyclists – when that proposal is supported at every level of UK Government – then I don't see how that country can truly be called independent.

It is also also clear that by surrendering control over our rulebook for goods and agrifoods (and much else besides) we will make it much more difficult to do free trade deals. And then there is the further impediment of having to argue for an impractical and undeliverable customs arrangement unlike any other in existence

Conversely, the British Government has spent decades arguing against this or that EU directive, on the grounds that it was too burdensome or ill-thought out. We are now in the ludicrous position of asserting that we must accept huge amounts of precisely such EU law, without changing an iota, because it is essential for our economic health – and when we no longer have any ability to influence these laws as they are made.

In that respect we are truly headed for the status of colony – and many will struggle to see the economic or political advantages of that particular arrangement.

It is also clear that by surrendering control over our rulebook for goods and agrifoods (and much else besides) we will make it much more difficult to do free trade deals. And then there is the further impediment of having to argue for an impractical and undeliverable customs arrangement unlike any other in existence.

What is even more disturbing is that this is our opening bid. This is already how we see the end state for the UK – before the other side has made its counter-offer. It is as though we are sending our vanguard into battle with the white flags fluttering above them. Indeed, I was concerned, looking at Friday's document, that there might be further concessions on immigration, or that we might end up effectively paying for access to the single market.

On Friday I acknowledged that my side of the argument were too few to prevail, and congratulated you on at least reaching a Cabinet decision on the way forward. As I said then, the Government now has a song to sing. The trouble is that I have practised the words over the weekend and find that they stick in the throat. We must have collective responsibility. Since I cannot in all conscience champion these proposals, I have sadly concluded that I must go.

I am proud to have served as Foreign Secretary in your Government. As I step down I would like first to thank the patient officers of the Metropolitan Police who have looked after me and my family, at times in demanding circumstances.

I am proud too of the extraordinary men and women of our diplomatic service. Over the last few months they have shown how many friends this country has around the world, as 28 governments expelled Russian spies in an unprecedented protest at the attempted assassination of the Skripals. They have organised a highly successful Commonwealth summit and secured record international support for this Government's campaign for 12 years of quality education for every girl, and much more besides. As I leave office, the FCO now has the largest and by far the most effective diplomatic network of any country in Europe – a continent which we will never leave.


Theresa Mays reply

Dear Boris,

Thank you for your letter relinquishing the office of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.

I am sorry - and a little surprised - to receive it after the productive discussions we had at Chequers on Friday, and the comprehensive and detailed proposal which we agreed as a Cabinet. It is a proposal which will honour the result of the referendum and the commitments we made in our general election manifesto to leave the single market and the customs union. It will mean that we take back control of our borders, our laws, and our money - ending the freedom of movement, ending the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the United Kingdom, and ending the days of sending vast sums of taxpayers' money to the European Union. We will be able to spend that money on our priorities instead - such as the £20 billion increase we have announced for the NHS budget, which means that we will soon be spending an extra £394 million a week on our National Health Service.

As I outlined at Chequers, the agreement we reached requires the full, collective support of Her Majesty's Government. During the EU referendum campaign, collective responsibility on EU policy was temporarily suspended. As we developed our policy on Brexit, I have allowed Cabinet colleagues considerable latitude to express their individual views. But the agreement we reached on Friday marks the point where that is no longer the case, and if you are not able to provide the support we need to secure this deal in the interests of the United Kingdom, it is right that you should step down.

As you do so, I would like to place on record my appreciation of the service you have given to our country, and to the Conservative Party, as Mayor of London and as Foreign Secretary - not least for the passion that you have demonstrated in promoting a Global Britain to the world as we leave the European Union.

Yours ever,

Theresa May


Tory Brexit Chaos

Theresa May won the election (Just) on the mantra of the Labour party being the coalition of chaos. 48 hrs after claiming agreement on the Brexit plan we now have David Davis and Boris Johnson resigning.

Well now your really seeing the real party of Chaos.  The Conservatives of Chaos.

Having said that, It was never going to be easy negotiating Brexit without a majority of the country for it. When I say majority I don't mean a 4% majority, to negotiate something of this magnitude the rules of the referendum should have been you needed 60% to win. Anything less and you have the mess we are seeing here. Well thats Cameron for you Mr Vanity himself another Tory that was so far up his own arse he actually believed he could pull off a remain vote and told the EU such.

Its disgraceful that the Tories now seem to be using this as a leadership bid. If it is, its beyond disgraceful, we are months away from the Autumn deadline and the Tories have only just come up with a basic plan of what they want. That in itself is also disgraceful and playing right into the hands of the EU.

I voted to remain but only by the smallest margin and only because I believed it would take 20 years at least to recover from the damage caused. I couldn't vote to leave regardless of the cost to the UK that would not only be stupidity, it would be unpatriotic and Ive yet to see any valid report that promotes a positive picture post Brexit.

  1. Anyone that thought they were going to get a better deal than those member states left it were living in cookoo land.
  2. Anyone that's thinks we can leave with no deal is not understanding the damage it will do to businesses in the UK.
  3. Anyone that thinks its a good idea to stay connected with the EU via customs union etc having thrown away our veto, is not understanding the ramifications as to what the EU will want for it.
  4. Anyone that thinks Britain can be great again because we once had an empire is living in some drug induced dream land. We can be great but not because we once had an empire so dont use that twaddle as an argument.
Basically its a crock of shite that I cannot see any positive on the horizon as yet.

How many more businesses will now be ramping up their plans on leaving the UK with this totally chaotic front that the Tories are showing the EU.

Ive yet to see what proposals the Tories have come up with, but whatever it is it still needs to be agreed with the EU and at present they are holding all the cards.

Theresa May ~ AKA Mayhem, Maybe, Maybenot
Boris Johnson quits to add to pressure on May over Brexit
Is it really leaving? 'I don't think so,' says Davis