No doubt that first statement will have got a few people s backs up so lets set the record straight before we carry on.
I have no love for religion, none at all. However If people feel the need to believe in a fictitious entity who is omnipresent. Then who am I and my invisible white rabbit friend to argue.
There is a caveat though, as far as I'm concerned you can believe in what you want and practise whatever religion you want as long as it doesn't detrimentally affect others. Full Stop.
Most if not all religions cross this boundary.
Next we go to Mr Robinson, cant say I believe in his views but I do believe in his right to have those views and his right to free speech.
There's a second caveat here. Free speech is an important pillar of this countries society and its fine as long as its not detrimental to others or inciting violence against others. This goes for all Black, White, Asian, Muslin, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Etc Etc. Doesn't matter who you are.
Now why do I say all this religious hatred and Free Tommy Robinson bollocks is a nice distraction for the Government? Actually Ill come to that in a minute.
I happen to believe that Tommy Robinson might be a lot of things but hes not stupid. So when he was outside the court recently and got arrested he had a game plan. Its what that game plan was or is, that is confusing me.
- He knew he was on a suspended sentence and would be jailed if re-offending.
- This is the real one I don't get, why would you jeopardise the court case and possibly give the accused a get out of jail free card?
Now I know people are going to say the case was over, or he thought the case was over. Sorry utter rubbish, Robinson knew exactly at what stage the court case was at and the court case was definitely ongoing on the 25th May. Note below "Trial part heard" that's on 29th May.
The only plausible explanation that I can come up with is he actually wanted them to get off. So he could claim that the establishment is favoring Muslim grooming gangs.
Sorry to spell out the reality Tommy but the establishment is not going to be worried about favoring Muslim grooming gangs. They have been protecting their own groomers for decades.
- Saville
- Max Clifford
- Rolf Harris
- Etc Etc
Robinson claims hes letting the general public know about the horrible crimes the defendants have committed. The problem with that is its "allegedly committed" until they are found guilty. Its unfortunate but that's the way British justice is. Robinson's personal agenda has no thought whatsoever for the victims.
Maybe people should be protesting about 3 judges stepping down in the Child abuse enquiry, which is massive and far, far bigger than the Leeds case that Robinson was supposedly informing the world about. But no, no one makes a squeak about that.
Another thing people are making a big noise about is the reporting restrictions. There are two points here.
- Reporting restrictions on the court case.
- Reporting restrictions on Robinson's arrest and subsequent sentencing.
So No.1 they put reporting restrictions in place where it is deemed necessary to protect the interests of a child, of which there are many involved in this case. Its nothing to do with protecting the grooming gang.
and No.2 Presumably the reporting restrictions spilled over onto Robinson when he basically forced them to arrest him. I don't necessarily agree with that, but Hey Ho, he knew damn well what he was doing.
Imagine how those kids would feel if the scum got off due to Robinson's stupidity or his personal agenda, because he certainly hasn't got the interests of the kids at heart.
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What would you say to them? |
So I'll leave you with what I consider the two most important points.....and the two points Id like you to consider also.
- What would you say to those kids if the scum got off due to Robinson's stupidity.
- Don't let the media distract you from a failing Government, they need to be held to account and this is a distraction, we're all being played.
As an addition I've added the court ruling and sentencing from the previous case when Robinson got the suspended sentence. Its clear that he either totally ignored what was said or he knew exactly what he was doing.