Thursday, 3 March 2022

Ukraine Invasion: What do they say about cornering a rat?

Its doubtful now that Putin can retreat from Ukraine without looking weak - which could result in Putin either being killed or overthrown. (Although that may already be on the cards)

He can't afford to stay in Ukraine and get bogged down in a bloody and expensive war.
He can drop a Nuclear tactical weapon on Ukraine to force them to surrender - this would clearly risk igniting WWIII.
Or would it?
Would NATO really risk all out nuclear war if a tactical short range nuclear weapon was used with limited killing field of around 1km?
Its doubtful, again Putin knows this and his back is to the wall with not many options left. 
With all the sanctions, Putin now has limited time to achieve his aims. Tactical battlefield weapons have always been part of Russian battle plans. With NATO its last resort defense.
However, should that option be used NATO would have to respond or they may as well pack up and let Russia take over the world. 
Lets hope that particular decision is never needed.


Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Ukraine Invasion: Turkey to implement pact limiting Russian warships to access to the Black Sea

 Turkey to implement pact limiting Russian warships to access to the Black Sea

It wouldn't be just Russian it would be both Russian and Ukraine warships however as Ukraine has very limited naval vessels its unlikely they would be going through the straights.

Turkey is a member of NATO could be issues there?

Turkey to implement pact limiting Russian warships to Black Sea