Thursday, 22 March 2018

Boris Johnson A Categorical Liar - republished

Is it coincidence that local elections are looming on 5th May?

Evidence submitted by the British government in court today proves, beyond any doubt, that Boris Johnson has been point blank lying about the degree of certainty Porton Down scientists have about the Skripals being poisoned with a Russian “novichok” agent.
Yesterday in an interview with Deutsche Welt Boris Johnson claimed directly Porton Down had told him they positively identified the nerve agent as Russian:
You argue that the source of this nerve agent, Novichok, is Russia. How did you manage to find it out so quickly? Does Britain possess samples of it?
Let me be clear with you … When I look at the evidence, I mean the people from Porton Down, the laboratory …
So they have the samples …
They do. And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, “Are you sure?” And he said there’s no doubt.
I knew and had published from my own whistleblowers that this is a lie. Until now I could not prove it. But today I can absolutely prove it, due to the judgement at the High Court case which gave permission for new blood samples to be taken from the Skripals for use by the OPCW. Justice Williams included in his judgement a summary of the evidence which tells us, directly for the first time, what Porton Down have actually said:
The Evidence
16. The evidence in support of the application is contained within the applications
themselves (in particular the Forms COP 3) and the witness statements.
17. I consider the following to be the relevant parts of the evidence. I shall identify the
witnesses only by their role and shall summarise the essential elements of their
i) CC: Porton Down Chemical and Biological Analyst
Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analysed and the
findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound. The samples
tested positive for the presence of a Novichok class nerve agent OR CLOSELY RELATED AGENT.
The emphasis is mine. This sworn Court evidence direct from Porton Down is utterly incompatible with what Boris Johnson has been saying. The truth is that Porton Down have not even positively identified this as a “Novichok”, as opposed to “a closely related agent”. Even if it were a “Novichok” that would not prove manufacture in Russia, and a “closely related agent” could be manufactured by literally scores of state and non-state actors.
This constitutes irrefutable evidence that the government have been straight out lying – to Parliament, to the EU, to NATO, to the United Nations, and above all to the people – about their degree of certainty of the origin of the attack. It might well be an attack originating in Russia, but there are indeed other possibilities and investigation is needed. As the government has sought to whip up jingoistic hysteria in advance of forthcoming local elections, the scale of the lie has daily increased.
On a sombre note, I am very much afraid the High Court evidence seems to indicate there is very little chance the Skripals will ever recover; one of the reasons the judge gave for his decision is that samples taken now will be better for analysis than samples taken post mortem.
This website remains under a massive DOS attack which has persisted for more than 24 hours now, but so far the defences are holding. Some strange form of “ghost banning” is also affecting both my twitter and Facebook feeds. So please
a) Feel free to repost, republish, translate or spread this article anywhere and anyway you can. All copyright is waived.
b) If you came here by Twitter, please retweet but also in addition create a new tweet yourself containing a link to this post (or to any other site on which you have placed the information)
c) If you came here by Facebook, again please share but also in addition create a new post yourself which contains the information and the link.
The state and corporate media now have evidence of the vast discrepancy between what May and Johnson are saying, and the truth about the Porton Down scientists’ position. I am afraid to say I expect this to make no difference whatsoever to the propaganda output of the BBC.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Well done Ireland - Grand Slam and 6 Nation champions

To go to the fortresses of both France and England and pull of wins was no mean feat in itself. So fair play to Ireland well deserved Champions.

Oh and Happy St Patricks Day :-)

This stunning piece of vocal work I stumbled across seemed appropriate instead of the normal rugby highlights.

The Parting Glass - Peter Hollens

Oh OK here's the Irish Rugby best bits ...

Demand that the BBC publicly apologise to Jeremy Corbyn

Demand that the BBC publicly apologise to Jeremy Corbyn

On March 15th, the BBC broadcast an edition of Newsnight, the main focus of which was the alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

As the backdrop for the programme, the BBC used an image of the Kremlin, onto which it pasted a photo of Jeremy Corbyn, which had been digitally altered to make it look as if he was wearing a Russian hat.

The implication here is clear - the BBC deliberately sought to imply that Mr Corbyn has connections with Russia.

The BBC's denial that the photo was altered is insulting. Anybody can see by comparing the original photo and the one broadcast by the BBC that the photo has been deliberately altered. The BBC's denial is confirmation of their complicity.

This action represents a State-funded, Government-controlled national broadcaster altering images of the Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, in order to imply that he is in cahoots with a foreign power.

This goes beyond bias - it is Government propaganda.

We demand that the BBC should publicly apologise to Mr Corbyn by inviting him to an interview on Newsnight, in which the producer of the programme personally apologises for using altered images for political ends.

Please sign this petition to demand that the BBC apologises.

Why is this important?

This is important because the BBC is supposed to be an impartial public broadcaster, not an outlet of the Conservative party.

It's important because the State should not use a public broadcaster to broadcast propaganda.

It's important because this is not just an attack on Mr Corbyn, it's an attack on British democracy.

Please sign this petition to demand that the BBC apologies.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Grenfell Tower doors 'resisted fire for half the time expected'

Fire Doors

Grenfell Tower doors 'resisted fire for half the time expected'

Seems 3 fire door samples from Grenvil tower all failed in tests. They were supposed to be 30 minute doors but only lasted 15 min.

Having worked for a partitioning company and a interior refurbishment company I can claim to have  a little bit of knowledge about Fire Doors, although Im no expert.

The main points are

  • Fire doors are notoriously difficult to get through a fire test and vision panels only exacerbate that.
  • Once the fire door has passed the fire test and has a certificate, it then rely's on a few other things.
    • Each fire door has to be manufactured in exactly the same way and using exactly the same materials.
    • Once on site the door has to be installed in excatly the same way that it was when it passed the test.
    • It has to be fitted in a frame which is exactly the same as the test. ie materials and construction.

This rarely happens

Further tests will be carried out on fire doors following the news that front doors to flats in Grenfell Tower burned in just 15 minutes, housing secretary Sajid Javid has said. 
However, he insisted that there is “no evidence that this is a systemic issue”

Due to the nature of how fire doors are tested and installed I believe there is a systemic issue.  There's no evidence because no one has looked for it.


Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Trump, May, Christopher Steele and Sergei Skripa

Trump was very quick to re-tweet, without checking the facts, a Britain's First tweet. He didn't even know who Britain's First were.

So Trump will comment on anything he wants to even if its fake news, as is normally the case with him, but an attack on British soil .... nope nothing

Lets just run that one again ....A chemical nerve agent is used in an attack in the UK and Trump says absolutely nothing.

Now why would that be?

Lets think about what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot.

  • The UK would immediately condemn the attack.
  • The UK would offer any assistance in tracking down the perpetrator.
  • The UK would offer technical assistance.

Now its well known that Trump has business interests in Russia, so is that the reason?  Well he didn't have to mention Russia just condemn the attack. He didnt.

Trump only does things that suit his own agenda not his own country. This obviously didnt suit his agenda, maybe because it was real rather than fake.

Strangely enough there seem to be reports linking Christopher Steele an ex MI6 officer with Sergei Skripa through a security consultant employed by Christopher Steele, who compiled the Trump dossier.
"Mr Steele went into hiding a year ago when he was revealed as the author of a document detailing salacious allegations about Mr Trump, which was circulating before the election."
"The dossier has sparked a formal investigation in the US into Russian collusion in the US presidential election, to the fury of both presidents Trump and Putin."
So main points would be

  • The particular Nerve Agent used links to Russia.
  • If not Russia then as the PM has said, Russia lost control of some of its WMA.
  • The man who helped delevop the Nerve Agent says it could only come from Russia.
  • The Russians, Trump and possibly the UK gov all have reasons, to use and the wherewithal to have the Nerve Agent.
  • Why would the Russians use something that directly pointed back to them?
  • Why didnt Trump comment?
  • Its almost a certainty that both the US and the UK have access to and antidotes for this nerve agent.
  • Why arnt Sergei Skripa and his daughter dead yet. Was the antidote ready and waiting for them?
We wait and see.


Mayhems whodunnit

So if your the head of a country and things arnt going too well its known that the best thing to do is get involved in a war.

Remember Thatcher was heading for an election defeat in 1982. The decision to go to war indisputably saved her. Ive had people argue that, but there is no question without winning the Falklands war Thatcher would have lost the next election. I cover my reasoning on that in two other blogs .

Back to the present there arn't too many countries that the UK can kick off against and Korea, having mustered the protection it needed, is now off the radar and everyone is going to talk .... for the present.

Is it just me or did Trump go very quiet once it was obvious the man had working nukes and the bully boy tactics wouldn't work any longer?

Brexit is just not going to well for Mayhem and the Tories, prices are rising and in turn inflation. The pound is still low and companies are now starting to get itchy feet. To top all that the problem of the Irish border still remains a so far insurmountable problem and time to be honest is running out.

So I shall play devils advocate .........

  • May is in the shit.
  • She needs to deflect attention away from her and the Tory failings.
  • Cant start a war with anyone.
  • But can start a war of words with Russia.
  • How do we provoke that?
  • I know lets poison an ex MI6 spy with something that can only really be traced back to the Russians.
  • Brilliant that will do it, the argument could go on for months, years even.

Lets remember that they have so far not said that the nerve agent definitely came from Russia.

"The PM said it was "highly likely" Russia was responsible for the Salisbury attack".

So okay why do i think that its a possibility there is some smoke and mirrors going on here, its obviously the Russians Right?

Mrs May said: "Either this was a direct action by the Russian state against our country, or the Russian government lost control of its potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others."

Well it certainly looks like it, but then I think well isn't it a bit obvious?

I mean if the Russians were going to attempt to kill someone, why use something that is so obviously traced back to them. There are plenty of ways of killing people and a lot more effective than what was used.

Why are they still alive .... was an antidote readily available?

This guy was out in the open, he didn't have a protection team. There would have been so many opportunities to take him out. Without going to the effort of smuggling in a nerve agent. He was also apparently in regular contact with the Russian embassy.

Now Russians might be a lot of things but im going to gamble that they are not that stupid. So either they attempted to kill with a nerve gas that would lead right back to their door because they wanted everyone to know they did it.

Or they didn't do it.

Oh has anyone noticed a distinct lack of noise from Trump.  No twitter comments.... Nothing as far as I can see.

Strange that isn't it?

I mean hes always been very quick to comment on our NHS and retweet Britain's First posts without checking them.

But apparently an ex MI6 spy being poisoned with nerve gas in the middle of the UK wasn't worthy of a mention.

Strange that isn't it?

As I said at the start just me playing Devils Advocate. The British government doesn't get involved in assassinations.  I know that because a tory MP said so on the radio today :-)