Thursday, 20 July 2017

12 billion on foreign aid v 94 billion in tax concessions

12 billion on foreign aid against 94 billion a year in tax concessions to big corporations

Now whilst I don't necessarily agree with sending money abroad when we have problems with our own poor and homeless. The situation of our poorest people is one that has quite clearly been made worse by the Tories.  I've no problem with helping people,  I do have a problem with 94 billion being given away to rich corporations though.

Even if you don't agree with that statement you have to agree that giving away 94 billion in tax concessions that were neither asked for or required is...OK lets be nice .... Generous.

For a Country that's struggling to get control of a debt of now 1.7 trillion, yes the Tories have increased the Countries debt by over 800 billion in 7 years.

Its Generous in the extreme!

So if they hadn't given yours and mine money away we could have paid 94 billion off the UK's debt each year.  Or we could have paid 50 billion off the debt and 44 billion into the NHS. We could have paid 94 billion into projects that were going to generate money for the UK rather than foreign countries.

So as you are good at sharing memes complaining about foreign aid, why not share one about the 94 billion tax concessions handed out.

By the way the foreign aid budget is 11% of  the 94 Billion a year that big Corporations get handed each year courtesy of Osbourne.

Fight for the big money!